Thursday, November 30, 2006

Autumn blues and autumn roses

So what did I spend yesterday doing? I could have knocked off a big chunk of studying. I could have cleaned the house. I could have been out saving the world. But no. I photographed roses.

I'm very aware that this is a displacement activity at the moment. That, due to the November blues, I'm hiding away in my photography. The obsession will pass (or at least recede into balance) when I start to beat the Black Dog. But, for now, producing pretty pictures helps me get through the day.

So these are the last of the roses from my garden, the ones that are only still flowering because we've had an Indian summer. They have a blowsy, slightly faded look, and a hint of scent that provides a fleeting memory of summer. Beautiful.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Pick-up sticks

You can spend a load of money on elaborate toys and games for the kids, but sometimes the old and simple ones are best. In this case, pick-up sticks, played enthusiastically by both children, and by me as well.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


This is George. He's very interested in photography. And he made me laugh today.

A real cutie and a gorgeous boy.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Shiny and new

A new lens for the new camera today, the insanely cheap Canon 50mm f1.8. I want to do some experimenting with shallow depth of field, and this is the cheapest way to do it. It will also encourage me to use the manual settings on the camera and break away from relying on the program modes.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cottage on the Green

How chocolate box is this?

Taken on the village green yesterday morning. Sadly the delightful cottage is not my house - mine is a much more mundane brick affair just around the corner.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Black as the Ace of Spades

My Christmas pudding recipe mixes to a richly dark and sticky mess, blackened by the addition of both Guinness and black treacle. I gather my friends in America can get hold of Lyle's golden syrup, but not black treacle. A shame, because it tastes heavenly and the tin is a true thing of beauty.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Walnut tree

"A dog, a wife and a walnut tree
the more you beat them, the better they be."

Or so the old saying goes. This old walnut tree has taken its share of beatings, but still seems to be going strong.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Here's looking at you, kid...

Halloween tea - monster-face pizzas, severed fingers (hot dogs with tomato fingernails), witches brew (cranberry juice, lemonade, green ice cubes) and these eyeball cakes. I'm glad to say it all went down well and was much appreciated by my offspring.

A late flowering

Even at the start of November there are still flowers in the garden this year, it's been so mild here.