Friday, June 30, 2006


I've finally managed to make flapjack that didn't stick like ancient concrete to the bottom of the baking tin! This may not seem like much of an achievement to the more culinarily-accomplished, but believe me, for me it is! My flapjacks have been a running joke for an unacceptably long time...(You have to understand that my MIL makes perfect flapjacks, as does the mother of every single one of my son's friends, apparently...)

Many thanks to Yarnstorm for the recipe :-)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Purples, pinks and blues

Some of my favourites from the garden: Sweet William, geraniums, and Love-in-a-Mist.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Shades of summer

Summer socks, in Lana Grossa Meilenweit Cotton Multiringel colour 2281.

And today in the garden: poppies, roses and companion-planted marigolds.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

One is apparently not enough

The first 'indoor' football was such a success that a second one has been deemed necessary, so that they can have one each. So here it is :-)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Yorkshire Dales

A family weekend away camping in the Dales was just what I needed.

Saturday was particularly fantastic. The weather was gorgeous and the scenery magnificent. We walked from Malham to Janet's Foss, a waterfall where (local legend has it) the Queen of the fairies lives. We climbed up the waterfall in Goredale Scar (a bit scary!), found a geocache above it, then walked on to Malham Tarn through classic limestone pavement scenery - blue sky, white limestone, and bright green grass studded with tiny yellow wild pansies.

We lunched by the tarn, then returned via Water Sinks, the Watlowes dry valley, and Malham Cove itself.

The icing on an already-not-inconsiderable cake was seeing the Peregrine Falcons nesting on the cliffs of the Cove.

We rounded the day off with ice creams in Malham, and dinner in the pub at Kirkby Malham with a couple of pints of Black Sheep to accompany it. Bliss :-)