Starting out... take two

After an utterly demoralising false start (these were originally intended as an onboard project during the Eclipse trip, but I managed to pull all the stitches irretrievably off one needle just as I was about to switch from rib to stocking stitch on the first sock, and put the whole thing away in disgust) I'm finally making progress with my first pair of socks.
I love the way the self-striping is coming out. And I love knitting with the finer wool for a change (I picked up DH's cable sweater to knit a row or two last night and the double knitting and 4 mm needles felt so thick and unwieldy).
I'm looking forward to turning the first heel - I understand the pattern instructions, but can't quite see in my head what will really happen as I knit
Wool is Regia Mini Ringels, shade Blue Sea.
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