House Sparrow

I've been coveting a longer lens for some time now; however such things are somewhat expensive, and not to be purchased without serious consideration. The other day I came across a very cheap secondhand 400mm lens, and bought it, figuring that it would give me a trial run to see how much I'd be likely to use a long lens, given the issues of weight and portability etc.
The lens isn't great, and it doesn't communicate with my camera quite the way it should, but it's fulfilling its purpose and I'm learning a lot. And today I managed to get a photo with it that I've been wanting for a while - a House Sparrow at one of our garden feeders.
We have two feeders, one at the bottom of the back garden and one in the veg garden outside the study window. The sparrows flock to the one that's most difficult to photograph, and rarely visit the study one. However, today there's a cock House Sparrow repeatedly visiting the study feeder, and I've finally got my photo (and given it was taken hand-held and through a not-exactly-clean window, it's not too bad!).
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